Keuntungan Trubonita
- Membantu menjaga kesehatan
- Memelihara dan memperbaiki tulang
- Sebagai asupan kalsium untuk kinerja tulang
- Penyakit dan kelainan tulang biasanya disebabkan oleh rendahnya massa tulang dan kerusakan struktural tulang.
- Massa tulang dikatakan rendah bila hilang mineral pendukung, seperti kalsium, untuk tulang mudah patah dan sulit menopang berat badan
- Kalsium diperlukan untuk kesehatan tulang dan gigi,
dan menjaga kesehatan jantung, otot, dan saraf - Membantu mencegah dan mengendalikan masalah osteoporosis
- Pemeliharaan saat menopause, karena usia
Hal ini terjadi akibat kekurangan kalsium pada kondisi ini, hormon estrogen kurang atau tidak lagi diproduksi
Ingredients Trubonita
Green Bean Seed (Phaseolus Radiatus)
Contains vitamins and minerals, such as calcium,forfor, iron, sodium and potassium. The calcium content in green beans is equal to 125mg/100gram, so it can make a contribution on osteoporosis prevention. In women approaching menopause, production Estrogen decreases which can cause various osteoporosis and cancer disorders.Isoflavones can be used as a substitute for reduced production estrogen. Contains isoflavones, of the type genistein and Daidzein, is good for the formation of bone massand various problems related to post menopause in women. Hormonestrogens can suppress bone resorption so that it can inhibit the process of brittleness bone.
Black Soybean Seeds (Glycine Soja Sieb)
. Black soybean seeds contain isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein, which is characteristic maintain bone strengthto prevent it from happening osteoporosis. Black Soy seed isoflavone content is bigger in comparison with yellow soybeans.
Jali Seeds (Coix Lacryma Jobi L)
Jali seed water extract can be help with treatment osteoporosis, with increase cell proliferation osteoblast. Osteoblasts are cells bone builder
Lamtoro (Leucaena Glauca)
Contains calcium amount to 1500mg/100 grams.Contains flavonoids, so it can function as an anti-inflammatory.
Moringa leaves (Moringa Oleifera)
Moringa Oleifera contains 440 mg of calcium per 100 grams of fresh leaves and 2003 mg per 100 grams dry leaves. Calcium content per 100 grams of Moringa leaves reaching 17 times more than milk and its bioavailability is 8.79 times better. Can be used to treat malnutrition and strengthen complementary foods rich in protein and micronutrients
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